"Barack announced that he wanted to change his middle name to be more patriotic and show his commitment to being a true American. He said from that day forward, his middle name would no longer be Hussein—it would be Congress: Barack Congress Obama."
[read more...]Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
The New Yorker
The interpretation of dreams, according to Freud, is meant to teach us about individual dreamers’ states of mind, not about the people and things that populate our fantasy lives; those are symbols. Teeth, swimming pools, nuns—they stand in for basic human desires and anxieties. When Sheila Heti, a novelist in Toronto, learned that her friend Margaux had recently dreamed about shopping for Tupperware with Hillary Clinton, however, she began to wonder: what if the recurrences of Presidential candidates in people’s dreams were meaningful in the aggregate?
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The Washington Post
We are dreaming of the candidates. The election has taken over our televisions, our radio stations, our newspapers, and now it has taken over our REM cycles.
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Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Dennis Cooper's Blog
I Dream of Hillary/Barack... undermines the old chestnut that no one is interested in listening to someone else tell their dreams. It’s been a hot site since it started a few weeks back, and I think the main reason is that everyone’s interested in Clinton, Obama, and McCain, but not really in anything they actually do or say. So it’s much easier to get caught up in what they get up to in people’s dreams. It’s like imaginary gossip.
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Friday, April 4, 2008
The Leonard Lopate Show - NPR
Have Obama, McCain, or Clinton ever popped up in your dreams? A new blog project, the Metaphysical Poll, publishes readers’ dreams about the current crop of presidential candidates. Writer and Metaphysical Poll founder Sheila Heti tells us about some of the dreams, and whether she thinks we can read anything meaningful into the candidates’ cameos in dreams.
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Tuesday, March 25, 2008
The Huffington Post
I have a dream. A recurring dream. A dream that will not go away. And I'm willing to bet that in some form or another--you have it, too. It's pretty standard: I'm flying. And sometimes I hit the ground screaming.
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Monday, March 10, 2008
Day To Day - NPR
Actress Annabelle Gurwitch was fascinated by the site, so she talked to her rabbi, Mel Gottlieb. He's also a Jungian psychoanalyst and he interprets a few of those candidate dreams.
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Tuesday, March 4, 2008
LA Times
Let's say you're in the mall and Hillary walks up and says she's had another argument with Bill and needs a hug. So you hug and she asks if you voted for her and you say yes, even though you didn't, because she looks sad. Suddenly, you're at the railroad station, but the train is just departing and Barack Obama is standing at the back door, waving. Behind him is your mother. And she's not happy. Sheila Heti wants to hear from you.
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New York Magazine
Excerpts of recent dreams submitted to IDreamofHillaryIDreamofBarack.com, a blog run by writer Sheila Heti...
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Chicago Tribune
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Sunday, March 2, 2008
NOW Magazine - Toronto
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